July 11th, 2018
As we enter the month of July, there’s a feeling in the air that summer is in full swing. After a long winter, a hit and miss spring interspersed with a few intensely hot May weekends and crazy thunderstorms the wait for the long summer ahead has been an incredibly long one.
As a contractor, summer holds vast opportunity. How can you best use your time during the summer months this year?
Reduce your hours
Here at iContract, we believe contracting can provide people with a positive work-life balance and you can take control of your work life. This summer, with the longer evenings and warmer climates, enjoy this special time and be with your friends and family.
Take a look at your current contract, explore the option of reducing your workload or hours to make more time with the people that matter. It could be as simple as not working one day a week, but that little bit of extra time could make all the difference to your health and well-being.
Engage in more activities outside of your work
Don’t be a slave to your work this summer. There’s an endless amount of opportunity outside the walls of the office. Whether it’s starting a new side passion, embracing the great outdoors, learning new languages or joining new groups – adventure can be found anywhere!
When winter comes around, you’ll have all the time to get reacquainted at home and stay in warm from the cold watching TV. This summer, live life to the fullest and without regret!
When September or October comes around, you’ll be wanting to launch yourself back into the world of work. Ensure you’re fully charged for this long-awaited return with a holiday break. Soak up the sun and get re-energised and your health will certainly benefit from it. Come autumn you’ll be ready to go and hit the ground running with your work.
Enhance your profile
We all know how rapid the job market is and how intense job competition is becoming. Take this time to see how you can improve your offering as a contractor. Take in a new training course that works around you, develop your networking or interview skills and generally see where there’s room for improvement and see how you can enhance your profile and ensure you’re ready and raring to go when you re-enter the job market.
Take control of your working life this summer as a contractor and join iContract’s growing contractor community at www.icontract.co.uk
Written by Chris from iContract