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Make the most of your finances with Contractor Wealth

Here are some of the ways we’ve been helping our clients hold onto more of their money;

  • Assess where you are against your financial objectives
  • Avoid missing out on tax allowances such as ISA, Pension and CGT allowances
  • Use your company funds to plan towards retirement
  • Invest tax-efficiently
  • Review existing Pensions and Investments to make sure they continue to be suitable

Fill out the form below to arrange a free initial consultation with one of our specialist financial advisers. Or call us directly on 01420 592667  for a free initial consultation.

Our areas of expertise

Pension Planning

Pension Planning

Retirement planning is far too often forgotten, as many people think that there is plenty of time to think about it. However, the reality is that in order to have a comfortable retirement, you should start saving as much as you can as early as possible. Contractor Wealth's knowledge of pension planning can help you to make the right choices to ensure that you can enjoy life in retirement.



We know that tax is the bane of your life, so we're here to help lift the burden and assist you in your tax planning, ensuring that you access all tax allowances and reliefs that you are entitled to. This includes income tax, savings tax and inheritance tax as well as any business taxes that you may be required to pay.

Investment Planning

Investment Planning

We can offer investment advice to help you build up funds for a rainy day. Whether you want advice on an investment vehicle for an interest-only mortgage, an emergency fund for the unexpected, or to keep a bit back for the kids, we will advise you on the most suitable investment vehicles for your needs.

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Client Experience

Excellent service


Client Experience

Very happy customer

Leon & Wendy

Client Experience

Excellent service and knowledge


Specialists in contractor wealth management

Contractor Wealth specialises in offering advice for contractors and freelancers, and their knowledge of how you work is extensive, so you can be sure that you are in safe hands with an adviser who understands you and your remuneration structure.

Making sure that you have covered all of your important financial planning needs isn’t easy so having a specialist financial expert who can ensure you have the appropriate planning in place is essential.

You will have a dedicated financial adviser who will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your financial needs are met, so not only is your mortgage dealt with but so are any associated investment needs.

Our financial advisors offer impartial advice to ensure that you get the plans put in place that best suits your needs. They can help you to plan your present and future needs based on your individual circumstances.



Speak to an expert

Specialists in contractor wealth management

Talk to our Financial Planning experts TODAY

Whatever your financial planning needs, we’re here to help.  Call us on 01420 592667  for a free consultation.  We’re open Monday to Friday from 8am to 7 pm. Alternatively, fill in the contact form and one of our Specialist Advisers will call you back at a time that’s convenient for you.

See what Contractor Wealth can do for you today.

Contractor Wealth is a trading name of Contractor Wealth Management Limited, an appointed representative of Quilter Financial Services Limited and Quilter Mortgage Planning Limited, which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: Albany House, 5 Omega Park, Alton, Hampshire GU34 2QE. Registered in England and Wales number 07773485

The value of pensions and the income they produce can fall as well as rise. You may get back less than you invested.

Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.

Contractor Wealth. Specialists in tax and pension planning for contractors.

Monday to Thursday, 9 am-7 pm
Friday, 9 am-5.30 pm.


Arrange a free initial consultation with one of our specialists
Request a callback today.

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    We'll always treat your personal details with utmost care, and will never sell them to other companies.

    By submitting this form you give consent for your details to pass to Contractor Wealth Limited**, a sister company of CMME Mortgages and protection limited.

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